When the moon wanes (2022-)

“Love is never any better than the lover.” (The Bluest Eye, Toni Morrison)

The follow-up series to her mother’s and grandmother’s stories in When the moon waxes, When the moon wanes, through an amalgamation of different world myths and literature (The Sun King, Echo and Narcissism, Icarus), follows Khan’s own story of unrequited love as a young woman-of-colour coming of age in a democratic post-apartheid society in 1995, struggling with her own demons of racial epidermalisation, class and gender. The narrative tells the story of the Tara, Daughter of the Night who falls in love with the Sun King, who woos her, but then leaves her for the Daughter of the Dawn. Tara is devastated, and she appeals to her mother the Moon to assist, but her mother doesn’t understand as she believes that to have loved is sufficient, and there is no need to acquire the object of that love forever. Tara sews a set of wings to fly up to the Sun, but she can never get to him as her wings burns and she falls into the water, realising the Sun is unattainable. At the end, as she is lying at the waterside, which is a recurring motif in the video, her reflection sings her a song of love. As with the previous work, this multimedia series employs photography, video and needle work to excavate and stitch together women’s narratives (the wings are embroidered by a group of women students who meet weekly and talk about love and hurt) that are oft carried deep within their bosoms.

When the moon wanes (2022)
Digital colour video with sound
Running time: 24:01 mins
Video dialogue: text by Sharlene Khan in conversation with texts by Toni Morrison (The Bluest Eye, Paradise), Ama Ata Aidoo (Our Sister Killjoy), Nawal el Sadaawi (She has no Place in Paradise), Tsitsi Dangarembga (Nervous Conditions), Charles Dickens (A Tale of Two Cities), Roland Barthes (A Lover’s Discourse), Khalil Gibran (The Broken Wings), Frantz Fanon (Black Skin, White Masks).

Director and producer: Sharlene Khan
DOP: Mandlakazi Zilwa
Actors: Ivan dos Santos, Megan Miller and Sharlene Khan
Narration: Jodie Pather
Assistants: Saajidah Madhi and Nono Motlhoki
Make-up: Simangele Kalisa
The Bluest Wings: LoveCoLab (Dumelang Ntlhane, Nono Motlhoki, Saajidah Madhi, Sehlorana Kekana, Sharlene Khan; Assistance from Naoul Bazzi and Aya Amrani)
Funding: National Arts Council of South Africa, Wits Arts Research Africa Grant, Sharlene Khan, Fouad Asfour, Mujahid Safodien, Wits Film and TV Department

Tara, Daughter of the Night I, 2021, Sharlene Khan (Image credit: Sharlene Khan and Mujahid Safodien)
Love, loves me not II, 2021, Sharlene Khan (Image credit: Sharlene Khan and Mujahid Safodien)
Love I, 2022, Sharlene Khan (Image credit: Sharlene Khan and Mujahid Safodien)
Love is never any better than the lover, 2022, Sharlene Khan (Image credit: Sharlene Khan and Mujahid Safodien)
Love III, 2022, Sharlene Khan (Image credit: Sharlene Khan and Mujahid Safodien)
Love, loves me not V 2022, Sharlene Khan (Image credit: Sharlene Khan and Mujahid Safodien)
Love, loves me not III, 2021, Sharlene Khan (Image credit: Sharlene Khan and Mujahid Safodien)
Tara, Daughter of the Night II, 2021, Sharlene Khan (Image credit: Sharlene Khan and Mujahid Safodien)
Tara, Daughter of the Night I, 2021, Sharlene Khan (Image credit: Sharlene Khan and Mujahid Safodien)
Love, loves me not II, 2021, Sharlene Khan (Image credit: Sharlene Khan and Mujahid Safodien)
Love I, 2022, Sharlene Khan (Image credit: Sharlene Khan and Mujahid Safodien)
Love is never any better than the lover, 2022, Sharlene Khan (Image credit: Sharlene Khan and Mujahid Safodien)
Love III, 2022, Sharlene Khan (Image credit: Sharlene Khan and Mujahid Safodien)
Love, loves me not V 2022, Sharlene Khan (Image credit: Sharlene Khan and Mujahid Safodien)
Love, loves me not III, 2021, Sharlene Khan (Image credit: Sharlene Khan and Mujahid Safodien)
Tara, Daughter of the Night II, 2021, Sharlene Khan (Image credit: Sharlene Khan and Mujahid Safodien)